Thursday, January 1, 2009

01-01-09 Prompt: Five Resolutions Made by a Johnny Depp Character

Happy New Year! This time around, the prompt is for you to choose a character Depp has played and come up with five New Year's Resolutions for him. Have fun with this one!

1 comment:

  1. Resolutions by jackspiratepirncess:

    Five Resolutions to Make With a JD Calendar

    To meet Johnny would be all of them. But to break it down-

    1. To behave myself when meeting him, and not do anything that would get me in trouble with Jerry or get me arrested.

    2. To not squeeze the breath out of him like a boa constrictor when hugging him.

    3. To settle for a chaste peck on the cheek when kissing him rather than ramming my tongue down his throat like I would want to do.

    4. To remember my own name if asked instead of replying with "I'm yours".

    5. When asking him to sign a body part to get tatooed later make sure that it's a body part that doesn't require clothing removal. Or maybe it should.

    6. And an extra one-To keep my eyes focused above his waist.

    Five More Resolutions
    (Which will all be broken within the first week)

    1. To not spend more than five minutes a day in the CST.

    2. To not use Johnny Depp and the following words in the same sentence: well hung, well endowed, big gun, awesome appendage, huge-ish.

    3. While in the produce section of the grocery store to not compare the size of the produce to JD. "Do you hav any foot long bananas?"

    4. When seeing a new pic of Johnny to not automatically check if it is a CST worthy pic.

    5. To stop humming "Hurts So Good" when looking in the CST.

    6. And an extra one-To find more wholesome bedtime reading material than selections from The Alley, so that maybe I can actually get some sleep.
